A few words about the project
Com project aims to produce a larger set of tools for youth workers through digitalisation, training to develop their capacity and methodologies to engage with young people with fewer opportunities including those who live in rural areas by strengthening transnational cooperation between organisations with less experience in European projects.

A few words about the project
Com project aims to produce a larger set of tools for youth workers through digitalisation, training to develop their capacity and methodologies to engage with young people with fewer opportunities including those who live in rural areas by strengthening transnational cooperation between organisations with less experience in European projects.

Our topics, our vision and our priorities
Our topics, our vision and our priorities

- Community development
- Digital youth work
- Inclusion of marginalised people

To map new practices, methodologies, to support and promote youth work in the local communities by bringing the European projects

- Increasing quality, innovation and recognition of youth work
- Inclusion and diversity
Who are the beneficiaries of the project
Who are the beneficiaries of the project

The youth workers, social educators working in teams in associations or youth centers through local and national authority-funded programs and institutions working with young people with fewer opportunities, including young people living in rural areas
Young people from 15 to 25 years old disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds facing social obstacles (discrimination and precarious situation) and educational obstacles
Stakeholders from partners organizations and experts experts: these professionals will be consulted and involved at regular intervals during the project to build activities, consult them and share experiences

The youth workers, social educators working in teams in associations or youth centers through local and national authority-funded programs and institutions working with young people with fewer opportunities, including young people living in rural areas
Young people from 15 to 25 years old disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds facing social obstacles (discrimination and precarious situation) and educational obstacles
Stakeholders from partners organizations and experts experts: these professionals will be consulted and involved at regular intervals during the project to build activities, consult them and share experiences
What we aim for
Boosting organization's functionality
- Involved organizations will have a large access of resources from the expected results of the activities, so they will be able to implement youth actions
- The project will help obtain new skills, fostering more active participation in the communities of the involved organizations
- Raising awareness about young people they target and being able to adapt their educational methods
Growing opportunities
- Connecting and cooperating with European organizations for the exchange of knowledge and good practices about youth work
- Impact both on local and European level
- Fostering new partnerships opportunities: diversify the network, make the partners organizations stable and reinforce their recognition
What we aim for
Boosting organization's functionality
- Involved organizations will have a large access of resources from the expected results of the activities, so they will be able to implement youth actions
- The project will help obtain new skills, fostering more active participation in the communities of the involved organizations
- Raising awareness about young people they target and being able to adapt their educational methods
Growing opportunities
- Connecting and cooperating with European organizations for the exchange of knowledge and good practices about youth work
- Impact both on local and European level
- Fostering new partnerships opportunities: diversify the network, make the partners organizations stable and reinforce their recognition
Contact us
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This communication/publication reflects only the author’s view. It does not represent the view of the European Commission and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Licensed under Creative Commons

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – Sharealike 4.0 International License.